Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Buhari Leaves Nigeria As Fuel Scarcity, Civil Unrest Loom


Buhari Leaves Nigeria As Fuel Scarcity, Civil Unrest LoomPresident Muhammadu Buhari of Nigeria leaves the country today, Tuesday and will spend two weeks in London at a more critical time a possible civil unrest loom in the country. The country for the past three weeks is experiencing a surge in the prices of the petroleum products and long queues of vehicles at fueling Continue

<p>The post Buhari Leaves Nigeria As Fuel Scarcity, Civil Unrest Loom first appeared on OsazuwaAkonedo.</p>

Russia Airstrike Hits Kharkiv


Russia Airstrike Hits KharkivA video from the Ukrainian State Emergency Service shows Russian Air force used air missile to bomb Regional Administrative build early morning of Tuesday in Kharkiv. The Foreign Ministry also tweeted that Russia is waging war in violation of international humanitarian law, accused the invading enemy soldiers of killing civilians and destroying civilian infrastructures. “Russia Continue

<p>The post Russia Airstrike Hits Kharkiv first appeared on OsazuwaAkonedo.</p>