Thursday, July 11, 2024

Supreme Court Ruling Will Be Able To Make The Poor Hold Local Leaders Accountable – Tinubu Supreme Court Ruling Will Be Able To Make The Poor Hold Local Leaders Accountable - Tinubu ~ OsazuwaAkonedo #Allocations #Bola #Caretaker #Councils #Court #Supreme #Tinubu

Nigeria President, Bola Ahmed Tinubu has said that poor people can now hold their local leaders accountable following the Supreme Court judgement on Thursday that prohibited state governments from dissolving democratically elected local government area councils and control the councils’ funds and allocations.

President Tinubu in a press statement signed and made available few hours ago by the Presidential spokesperson, Ajuri Ngelale, said the clog in the wheel of progress for Nigeria advancement over the years has been ineffective local government administration, stating, the grassroot governance is nearly absent in Nigeria.

The statement reads in quote: “President Bola Tinubu welcomes the decision of the Supreme Court of Nigeria affirming the spirit, intent, and purpose of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria on the statutory rights of local governments.

The President states that a fundamental challenge to the nation’s advancement over the years has been ineffective local government administration, as governance at the critical cellular level of socio-political configuration is nearly absent.

The President emphasizes that the onus is now on local council leaders to ensure that the broad spectrum of Nigerians living at that level are satisfied that they are benefitting from people-oriented service delivery.

“The Renewed Hope Agenda is about the people of this country, at all levels, irrespective of faith, tribe, gender, political affiliation, or any other artificial line they say exists between us. This country belongs to all of us. By virtue of this judgement, our people – especially the poor – will be able to hold their local leaders to account for their actions and inactions. What is sent to local government accounts will be known, and services must now be provided without excuses.

“My administration instituted this suit because of our unwavering belief that our people must have relief and today’s judgement will ensure that it will be only those local officials elected by the people that will control the resources of the people. This judgement stands as a resounding affirmation that we can use legitimate means of redress to restructure our country and restructure our economy to make Nigeria a better place to live in and a fairer society for all of our people,” President Tinubu states.

President Tinubu notes that the provision of some essential amenities and public goods, such as the construction and maintenance of certain roads, streets, street lighting, drains, parks, gardens, open spaces, and other residual responsibilities, including community security, has tottered owing to the emasculation of local governments.

The President affirms that the decision of the Supreme Court to uphold the constitutional rights and ideals of local governments as regards financial autonomy, and other salient principles, is of historic significance and further reinforces the effort to enhance Nigeria’s true federal fabric for the development of the entire nation.

President Tinubu commends the Attorney-General of the Federation and Minister of Justice, Mr Lateef Fagbemi (SAN) for his diligence and patriotic effort on this important assignment.

The President states that his administration remains committed to protecting the principles of the charter governing citizens, institutions of government, arms, and tiers of government in furtherance of building an efficient and performance-driven governance system that works for every Nigerian.

We had reported that the Nigeria Supreme Court of Justice has ruled that state governments have no power or authority to dissolve democratically elected Local Government Area Councils or set up caretaker committee inline with the spirit, purpose and intent of the 1999 Nigeria Constitution.

The Supreme Court on Thursday also ruled that it is unconstitutional for state governments to control the funds or allocations of local government area councils. Stating that Federal Allocations should be paid directly into Local Government Area Councils’ accounts, putting an end to agelong practice of councils’ allocations received through state governments.

The judgment delivered by Justice Emmanuel Agim on Thursday, the apex court declared that it is unconstitutional for State Governments to withhold and utilise allocations meant for Local Government Areas without transferring the funds to them, as mandated by Section 162 (3) of the Constitution. 

The Supreme Court ruled that the Federal  Government must pay funds allocated to Local Governments directly to the respective Local Government Areas, which are to be managed by democratically elected officials. 

A seven-man panel of the apex court led by Justice Garba Lawal passed the judgement after hearing the case in which all the 36 state governors were made the defendants by the Federal Government.

Last month, the Supreme Court had reserved its judgement in a lawsuit brought by the Attorney-General of the Federation and Minister of Justice, Lateef Fagbemi (SAN) to call for local governments’ autonomy in the country.

The suit filed by Fagbemi seeks full autonomy for the local government areas in the country.

The government asked the apex court to ban state governors from arbitrarily dissolving democratically elected local government councils.

The Nigerian Government also asked the apex court to stop the governors from maintaining joint accounts with local governments, describing it as unlawful and in violation of the provisions of the Constitution.

The Federal Government also wants the Supreme Court to prohibit governors from forming Caretaker Committees to manage local governments in violation of the Constitution’s recognised and protected democratic system.

The Federal Government also sought an injunction prohibiting governors, their agents, and privies from receiving, spending, or tampering with funds released from the Federation Account for the benefit of local governments in states without a democratically elected local government system.

According to the suit, Nigeria as a federation, was created by the 1999 Constitution, as amended, with the President as Head of the Federal executive arm, swearing on oath to defend and give effect to sections of the Constitution.

The apex court had earlier given 36 defendants seven days to file their defence and also given the AGF two days to file his reply upon receipt of the governors’ defence.


The Supreme Court judgement delivered by Justice Emmanuel Agim on Thursday described the agelong practice by governors as a violation of the 1999 Constitution.

The Supreme Court thereafter barred all state governors in Nigeria from dissolving democratically elected Local Government councils in the country.

The suit by the AGF was on 27 grounds.

­A careful analysis of the Supreme Court rulings indicated that the apex court  orders the Federal Government to henceforth withhold allocations to Local Governments governed by unelected officials appointed by the Governor.

The apex court barred the Federal Government from further paying Local Government allocations through the State Governments since the practice has been abused by Governors.

Close watchers said that the 774 local government areas in the country always experience undemocratic practices from state governments over the years.

According to them, efficient governance at the level of the third tier of government has been hampered by the overbearing influence of state governors.

“Funds meant for local governments in the Federation Account are paid monthly to them through their respective state governments. But against expectations, the governors of the states retain the funds in joint accounts in the respective states and only release to the local governments what they wish.

The local governments in each state have no say in the use of the funds in the joint accounts controlled by the respective state governors”, the close watchers said.

The office of the Attorney-General of the Federation and Minister of Justice had instituted the suit at the Supreme Court, seeking an order to better guarantee the independence of the local governments.

In the suit marked: SC/CV/343/2024, the federal government urged the court to issue an order prohibiting state governors from embarking on unilateral, arbitrary and unlawful dissolution of democratically elected local government leaders.

The plaintiff also prayed the Supreme Court to make an order permitting the funds standing in the credits of local governments to be directly channelled to them from the Federation Account in line with the provisions of the Constitution as against the alleged unlawful joint accounts created by governors.

Immediate compliance ordered as the Supreme Court  declared any action contrary in above as illegal and a breach of the Constitution of Nigeria

Meanwhile, the Conference of Nigeria Political Parties, CNPP has commended the Supreme Court of Nigeria for its landmark judgment barring state governors from withholding funds meant for local government administrations.

A statement signed by the CNPP’s Deputy National Publicity Secretary, Comrade James Ezema, notes that for far too long, governors have usurped the powers and resources of local governments, stifling grassroots development and perpetuating poverty.

“This judgment marks a new dawn for local government autonomy and a significant blow to the impunity and recklessness of state governors in the last two decades.

The CNPP sees this ruling as a significant step towards decentralizing power, promoting grassroots development, and enhancing the overall quality of life for Nigerians.

We believe that this judgment will go a long way in addressing the issues of poverty, inequality, and social injustice that have plagued our nation for decades.

We urge all stakeholders to respect and implement this judgment, and we demand that governors who violate this ruling be prosecuted after leaving office. It is time to hold our leaders accountable for their actions and ensure that the rule of law is upheld.

The CNPP calls on the Federal Government to ensure the immediate release of funds due to local governments directly to their respective accounts and to monitor their utilization to prevent further abuse.

We also urge civil society organizations and the media to join us in holding governors accountable for their actions.

This judgment is a testament to the power of the judiciary in upholding the constitution and protecting the rights of the people. We commend the Supreme Court for its courage and commitment to justice.

The CNPP calls on governors who are yet to conduct local government elections to end the unconstitutional practice of appointing caretaker committees and immediately allow for the conduct of free, fair, and credible local government polls in their states or forfeit the local government allocations until a democratically elected local government system is in place.

This ruling is a resounding victory for democracy, national development, and the long-suffering people of Nigeria”, CNPP stated.

State Govt Has No Power To Dissolve LGA Councils, Control Allocations – Supreme Court State Govt Has No Power To Dissolve LGA Councils, Control Allocations - Supreme Court ~ OsazuwaAkonedo #Agim #Emmanuel #Fagbemi #Garba #Lateef #Lawal

Nigeria Supreme Court of Justice has ruled that state governments have no power or authority to dissolve democratically elected Local Government Area Councils or set up caretaker committee inline with the spirit, purpose and intent of the 1999 Nigeria Constitution.

The Supreme Court on Thursday also ruled that it is unconstitutional for state governments to control the funds or allocations of local government area councils. Stating that Federal Allocations should be paid directly into Local Government Area Councils’ accounts, putting an end to agelong practice of councils’ allocations received through state governments.

The judgment delivered by Justice Emmanuel Agim on Thursday, the apex court declared that it is unconstitutional for State Governments to withhold and utilise allocations meant for Local Government Areas without transferring the funds to them, as mandated by Section 162 (3) of the Constitution. 

The Supreme Court ruled that the Federal  Government must pay funds allocated to Local Governments directly to the respective Local Government Areas, which are to be managed by democratically elected officials. 

A seven-man panel of the apex court led by Justice Garba Lawal passed the judgement after hearing the case in which all the 36 state governors were made the defendants by the Federal Government.

Last month, the Supreme Court had reserved its judgement in a lawsuit brought by the Attorney-General of the Federation and Minister of Justice, Lateef Fagbemi (SAN) to call for local governments’ autonomy in the country.

The suit filed by Fagbemi seeks full autonomy for the local government areas in the country.

The government asked the apex court to ban state governors from arbitrarily dissolving democratically elected local government councils.

The Nigerian Government also asked the apex court to stop the governors from maintaining joint accounts with local governments, describing it as unlawful and in violation of the provisions of the Constitution.

The Federal Government also wants the Supreme Court to prohibit governors from forming Caretaker Committees to manage local governments in violation of the Constitution’s recognised and protected democratic system.

The Federal Government also sought an injunction prohibiting governors, their agents, and privies from receiving, spending, or tampering with funds released from the Federation Account for the benefit of local governments in states without a democratically elected local government system.

According to the suit, Nigeria as a federation, was created by the 1999 Constitution, as amended, with the President as Head of the Federal executive arm, swearing on oath to defend and give effect to sections of the Constitution.

The apex court had earlier given 36 defendants seven days to file their defence and also given the AGF two days to file his reply upon receipt of the governors’ defence.


The Supreme Court judgement delivered by Justice Emmanuel Agim on Thursday described the agelong practice by governors as a violation of the 1999 Constitution.

The Supreme Court thereafter barred all state governors in Nigeria from dissolving democratically elected Local Government councils in the country.

The suit by the AGF was on 27 grounds.

­A careful analysis of the Supreme Court rulings indicated that the apex court  orders the Federal Government to henceforth withhold allocations to Local Governments governed by unelected officials appointed by the Governor.

The apex court barred the Federal Government from further paying Local Government allocations through the State Governments since the practice has been abused by Governors.

Close watchers said that the 774 local government areas in the country always experience undemocratic practices from state governments over the years.

According to them, efficient governance at the level of the third tier of government has been hampered by the overbearing influence of state governors.

“Funds meant for local governments in the Federation Account are paid monthly to them through their respective state governments. But against expectations, the governors of the states retain the funds in joint accounts in the respective states and only release to the local governments what they wish.

The local governments in each state have no say in the use of the funds in the joint accounts controlled by the respective state governors”, the close watchers said.

The office of the Attorney-General of the Federation and Minister of Justice had instituted the suit at the Supreme Court, seeking an order to better guarantee the independence of the local governments.

In the suit marked: SC/CV/343/2024, the federal government urged the court to issue an order prohibiting state governors from embarking on unilateral, arbitrary and unlawful dissolution of democratically elected local government leaders.

The plaintiff also prayed the Supreme Court to make an order permitting the funds standing in the credits of local governments to be directly channelled to them from the Federation Account in line with the provisions of the Constitution as against the alleged unlawful joint accounts created by governors.

Immediate compliance ordered as the Supreme Court  declared any action contrary in above as illegal and a breach of the Constitution of Nigeria

Meanwhile, the Conference of Nigeria Political Parties, CNPP has commended the Supreme Court of Nigeria for its landmark judgment barring state governors from withholding funds meant for local government administrations.

A statement signed by the CNPP’s Deputy National Publicity Secretary, Comrade James Ezema, notes that for far too long, governors have usurped the powers and resources of local governments, stifling grassroots development and perpetuating poverty.

“This judgment marks a new dawn for local government autonomy and a significant blow to the impunity and recklessness of state governors in the last two decades.

The CNPP sees this ruling as a significant step towards decentralizing power, promoting grassroots development, and enhancing the overall quality of life for Nigerians.

We believe that this judgment will go a long way in addressing the issues of poverty, inequality, and social injustice that have plagued our nation for decades.

We urge all stakeholders to respect and implement this judgment, and we demand that governors who violate this ruling be prosecuted after leaving office. It is time to hold our leaders accountable for their actions and ensure that the rule of law is upheld.

The CNPP calls on the Federal Government to ensure the immediate release of funds due to local governments directly to their respective accounts and to monitor their utilization to prevent further abuse.

We also urge civil society organizations and the media to join us in holding governors accountable for their actions.

This judgment is a testament to the power of the judiciary in upholding the constitution and protecting the rights of the people. We commend the Supreme Court for its courage and commitment to justice.

The CNPP calls on governors who are yet to conduct local government elections to end the unconstitutional practice of appointing caretaker committees and immediately allow for the conduct of free, fair, and credible local government polls in their states or forfeit the local government allocations until a democratically elected local government system is in place.

This ruling is a resounding victory for democracy, national development, and the long-suffering people of Nigeria”, CNPP stated.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Hurricane Beryl Kill 8, Topple Trees On Houses, Knock Out Power In USA Hurricane Beryl Kill 8, Topple Trees On Houses, Knock Out Power In USA ~ OsazuwaAkonedo #Arkansas #Beryl #Cayman #Galveston #Harris #Illinois #Jamaica #Louisiana #Montgomery #Richardson #Russell #Texas #weather #Yucatán

Millions of residents in some parts of United States of America, USA maybe experiencing difficulties due to outage of electricity when Hurricane Beryl slamming as Category one hit south-east Texas and Louisiana, knocking out power for nearly three million people and killing 8 persons  on Monday.

It was gathered that the Hurricane Beryl made landfall in the US near the city of Houston, killing people and knocking out power to millions.

At Harris County, a Houston Police Department employee, Russell Richardson, 54, was said to have drowned after attempting to drive through high water on his way to work, according to Houston police.

Another person died in a house fire that is believed to have been sparked by lightning, Houston’s mayor said, according to BBC report.

BBC added in its report that three people were also killed in Montgomery County. Officials say one man was killed when a tree fell on him while he was driving a tractor, and two homeless people died when a tree fell on their tent, reports KHOU.

Local reports indicated that estimated 2.3 million customers in Texas were without power as of Tuesday morning, with some cuts also reported in Louisiana and Arkansas.

CenterPoint Energy, a Texas-based utility provider, had said it planned to restore power for at least one million customers by the end of Wednesday.

The storm also caused major destruction and at least 10 unverified deaths in the Caribbean.

Officials said seven people died in Texas’s Harris and Montgomery counties, while one more fatality was confirmed in neighbouring Louisiana.”

Beryl hit the southern United States on Monday morning as a category one hurricane, but it has since been downgraded to a tropical depression, according to videos posted online on Tuesday by residents.

Information from indicated that more than 1,100 flights were cancelled at Houston’s main airport on Monday following the slamming of the Hurricane Beryl.

Hurricane Beryl has moved on, but many communities are dealing with damage. The US Coast Guard took this video of flooding around Sargent, Texas, about 50 miles south of Houston.

No power since 24 hrs due to Hurricane  beryl and unlikely to be restored until Wednesday evening, a resident stated in a post online.

Close watchers said the Hurricane Beryl lashed Texas with strong winds and heavy rain on Monday as it churned inland, forcing the closure of oil ports, cancellation of hundreds of flights and leaving nearly 2 million homes and businesses without power.

Beryl, the season’s earliest Category 5 hurricane on record, made landfall near the coastal town of Matagorda, Texas, according to Reuters.

SaharaReporters in its reports captured the Hurricane Beryl situation in USA as stated verbatim below:

“The Category 1 storm made landfall on Monday, bringing winds of up to 94 miles per hour that triggered storm surges, toppled trees, and tore roofs off homes. 

Hurricane Beryl has claimed at least eight lives, with seven casualties reported in the greater Houston area and one in Louisiana, US. 

As the storm moved inland, it spawned tornadoes in Texas, Louisiana, and Arkansas. 

Cleanup efforts are currently underway, and although Beryl has weakened into a low-pressure system, it is expected to bring flash flooding to areas between Arkansas and Illinois on Tuesday and Wednesday as it moves northeastward toward Michigan.

In the Houston area, three people were killed by falling trees, two drowned and one died in a house fire.

Houston Mayor John Whitmire also confirmed a 54-year-old employee of the Houston Police Department drowned while driving into work.

In Louisiana, a 31-year-old woman was killed when a tree fell on her mobile home.

The big effort on Tuesday is to restore power and water to residents.

At 7am, there are still more than 2 million customers without power throughout Texas.

Nearly all of the outages are in southeast Texas where CenterPoint Energy is reporting 1.8 million without power.

CenterPoint says power will be restored to a million of them by the end of tomorrow.

Officials say it will take days to restore power for everyone.

Acting governor, Dan Patrick says the state is sending about 12,000 lineman to the affected areas.

“Be very careful. power lines are down and we are sending crews and addressing it. there is still more flooding. Do not take this storm as it’s passed you now,” said Patrick.

Beryl made landfall at 3:50am Monday as a Category 1 hurricane near Matagorda, Texas, about 100 miles southwest of Houston, with maximum sustained winds of 80 miles per hour.

The storm made landfall twice before reaching Texas.

The storm hit the Windward Islands as a Category 4 hurricane on June 29.

It barely avoided Jamaica and the Cayman Islands before making landfall as a Category 2 hurricane on Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula.

The volunteers with the group Texans on Misison will bring a laundry unit, a chainsaw team and a mobile mass feeding kitchen to the Houston area.

At least 11 people were killed on the way across the Caribbean.

The storm became a tropical storm before re-intensifying in the Gulf of Mexico and becoming a hurricane hours before making landfall in Texas”, SaharaReporters news report ends in quote.

It was gathered that the Port of Corpus Christi was back open by Tuesday morning, but the Houston Ship Channel, a major point for the import and export of crude oil and refined products, remains closed.

Texas state and local officials warned it could take several days to restore power after Beryl came ashore as a Category 1 hurricane.

We learnt that the fast-moving tempest, which unleashed heavy rains that prompted dozens of high-water rescues, threatened to carve a harsh path over several more states in coming days.

In Texas, the Hurricane toppled 10 transmission lines and knocked down trees that took down power lines.

Observers said that within hours, Hurricane Beryl weakened into a tropical storm, far less powerful than the Category 5 behemoth that tore a deadly path of destruction through parts of Mexico and the Caribbean last weekend.

But the winds and rains of the fast-moving storm were still powerful enough to knock down hundreds of trees that had already been teetering in water-saturated earth, and strand dozens of cars on flooded roadways.

As it moved inland, the storm still threatened to spawn tornados.

National Hurricane Center said damaging winds and flash flooding would continue as Beryl pushes inland.

A civilian employee of the Houston Police Department, was said to have been killed when he was trapped in flood waters under a highway overpass, Houston Mayor John Whitmire said.

“We haven’t really slept,” said Eva Costancio as she gazed at a large tree that had fallen across electric lines in her neighborhood in the Houston suburb of Rosenberg. Costancio, 67, said she had already been without power for several hours and worried that food in her refrigerator would be spoiled.

“We are struggling to have food and losing that food would be difficult,” she said.

Houston and Harris County officials said power crews would be sent into the area to restore service as quickly as possible, an urgent priority for homes also left without air conditioning in the middle of summer. Temperatures, which had cooled slightly with the storm, were expected to reach back into the 90s as early as Tuesday. The National Weather Service issued a heat advisory that said the area heat index could reach 105 degrees Fahrenheit (41 degrees Celsius).

The state will be ready to open cooling centers as well as food and water distribution centers, said Nim Kidd, chief of state emergency operations.

Beryl’s rains pounded Houston and other areas of the coast on Monday, reclosing streets in neighborhoods that had already been washed out by previous storms. Television stations on Monday broadcast the dramatic rescue of a man who had climbed to the roof of his pickup truck after it got trapped in fast-flowing waters. Emergency crews used an extension ladder from a fire truck to drop him a life preserver and a tether before moving him to dry land.

Houston officials reported at least 25 water rescues by Monday afternoon, mostly for people with vehicles stuck in floodwaters.

“First responders are putting their lives at risk. That’s what they’re trained for. It’s working,” Houston Mayor John Whitmire said.

Javier Mejia was one of about 20 people who gathered near the pickup truck rescue site to take pictures of other submerged vehicles sitting on the flooded highway.

“If you don’t have a way through, you’re going to get stuck like that,” Mejia said.

Having experienced previous storms in Houston, Mejia stocked up on food and water before Beryl hit, but forgot gas for his portable generator. He planned to spend the day looking for some.

“I don’t want it to go bad,” he said of the food, adding that if he can’t find gas, “We can just fire up the grill.”

Many streets and neighborhoods throughout Houston were littered with fallen branches and other debris. The buzz of chainsaws filled the air Monday afternoon as residents set to work chopping up knocked-down trees and big branches that had blocked streets and sidewalks.

Patrick warned that flooding could last for days as rain continued to fall on already saturated ground.“This is not a one-day event,” he said.

President Joe Biden was getting regular updates on the storm after it made landfall, the White House said. The U.S. Coast Guard and FEMA had prepared search and rescue teams, and FEMA collected bottled water, meals, tarps and electric generators in case they are needed.

Several companies with refineries or industrial plants in the area reported that the power disruptions necessitated the flaring of gases at the facilities.

Marathon Petroleum Corp said it conducted a “safe combustion of excess gases” at its Galveston Bay Refinery in Texas City, but did not provide information on the amount of gas flared or how long it would continue.

Formosa Plastics Corporation and Freeport LNG also reported flaring related to Beryl, according to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.

Companies have 24 hours to share emissions data after the flaring stops, a representative from the TCEQ said in an email.

In Louisiana, heavy bands of rain were expected all day Monday and “the risk is going to be for that heavy rainfall and potential for flash flooding,” National Weather Service meteorologist Donald Jones said in a Monday morning Facebook Live briefing.

The weather service in Shreveport issued tornado warnings across northwest Louisiana. The agency confirmed on social media that multiple tornados had been spotted in that corner of the state.

Fallen Trees Kill 4, Injures Scores After Heavy Rain At Jattu Market Fallen Trees Kill 4, Injures Scores After Heavy Rain At Jattu Market ~ OsazuwaAkonedo #edo #Etsako #Jattu #news #NiMet #Obaseki #Okpebholo #Zibiri

Four big trees in an unusual manner were uprooted by a heavy wind and downpour simultaneously at a major market in Jattu community in the Etsako West Local Government Area of Edo State on Monday morning, killing four persons and injuring a lot of traders and customers who hide under the trees to avoid the rainfall.

According to Edo State Governor, four persons died from the incident with many injured.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) correspondent, who visited the scene of the incident, reports that the trees came down following a storm and prolonged rainfall.

The Chairman of the council, Marvellous Zibiri confirmed the death of the persons while speaking to newsmen at the market. Saying: “At about 9am on Monday, I got a call from my Vice Chairman and the Supervisory Councilor for Environment about the incident.

“During the rain, four trees in the market fell simultaneously while people took cover under the trees thereby killing four persons and many injured.

“So far, we have been able to recover four bodies and we have taken them to the mortuary while those who sustain injuries are at the hospital for treatment,” Zibiri said.

Zibiri added that rescue operation was still ongoing as the trees were being cut to confirm if there were other bodies under the trees.

The Chairman described the incident as tragic and sympathised with families who lost their love ones at the market.

He, however, appealed to residents to stay indoor whenever it was raining.
NAN in its report recalls that the Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NiMet) had predicted thunderstorms and rains from Monday to Wednesday across the country.

The agency urged the public to take adequate precautions as strong winds may precede the rains during the period.

The council boss in a news release signed and made available by Iyamah Nurudeen,
Chief Press Secretary to the
Office Of The Executive Chairman,
Etsako West Local Government Council stated in quote thus:

“In the wake of the devastating tragedy that struck Jattu market, leaving scores injured and trapped under fallen trees, the Executive Chairman of Etsako West Local Government Council, Honourable Marvelous Muhizu Zibiri, has demonstrated exemplary leadership and courage in coordinating emergency response efforts.

The heavy rains that hit the area caused widespread destruction, but Chairman Zibiri swiftly sprang into action, mobilizing security agencies, local emergency services, volunteers, and concerned citizens to evacuate casualties and provide aid to those in need.

Under his close supervision, the rescue team worked tirelessly to evacuate those trapped, providing medical care and attention to those injured. Chairman Zibiri commended the unity and resilience displayed by the residents of Etsako West, praising their spirit and determination in the face of adversity.

The Council Chairman has assured the community of his steadfast commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of all affected, and has vowed to continue providing support and resources to those in need.

This swift and effective response has earned Chairman Zibiri widespread praise, and his leadership has been hailed as a beacon of hope in a time of grief”.

Meanwhile, Edo State Governor, Godwin Obaseki has said that measures are currently being adopted by the government to prevent another occurrence of such incident. 

In a news release he personally signed and made available through his social media handles, Godwin Obaseki said and in quote: “I received with a heavy heart the news of the unfortunate incident that occurred on Monday morning in Jattu Market, Etsako West Local Government Area of the State, where about four lives were allegedly lost due to fallen trees caused by a heavy downpour.

The incident is deeply saddening. I extend heartfelt condolences to the victims and families affected by this very tragic incident and wish the injured victims a quick recovery.

Emergency response teams have since been deployed to manage the situation and provide support and assistance to those affected, while urgent steps are immediately being taken to ensure such tragedies are prevented in the future.

While we urge all residents to exercise utmost caution as the rainy season intensifies, we reassure of sustained efforts and our commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of all citizens.

May God grant repose to the souls of the departed and succour to their families”.

All Progressives Congress, APC candidate in the forthcoming governorship election in Edo State, Monday Okpebholo, said the incident is regrettable. “I received the terrible news of the havoc caused by the rainstorm in some parts of Edo North, particularly the disaster in Jattu Market.

My sympathy goes to the families, friends, and loved ones affected by the tragic incident today.

The devastating loss of lives and the injuries sustained in such an unexpected and calamitous event, which has left the community in shock and mourning, is regrettable.

I extend my heartfelt condolences to the families of those who lost their lives in this tragic incident. My thoughts and prayers are with you during this incredibly difficult time.

Words cannot adequately convey the sorrow I feel for your loss, and I hope that you find some comfort in knowing that the entire Edo State grieves with you.

To others who were injured and are currently receiving treatment in hospitals, please be assured of my prayers for healing and courage to overcome the pain.

The Jattu Market is not just a center of commerce; it is a vibrant part of our community where livelihoods are earned and social bonds are formed.

Today’s rainstorm disaster, which claimed several lives and left many more injured, is a stark reminder of the vulnerabilities we face with natural occurrences.

It also underscores the urgent need for comprehensive measures to ensure the safety and well-being of all Edo citizens in the face of natural calamities.

May I use this medium to call on the Edo State Government and all relevant authorities to conduct an immediate and thorough investigation into the circumstances surrounding this disaster and take adequate measures to reduce the impact of future similar occurrences.

My party, the All Progressives Congress (APC), and I will immediately visit the disaster scenes to assist the affected families”

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Police Bans 7-7 Secret Cult Day Celebration In Anambra, CP Orders Officers To Be Offensive Against Armed Hoodlums Police Bans 7-7 Secret Cult Day Celebration In Anambra, CP Orders Officers To Be Offensive Against Armed Hoodlums ~ OsazuwaAkonedo #Anambra #news #Nnaghe #Obono #Rivers

Anambra State Command of the Nigeria Police Force has banned celebration of any kind of secret cult related activities in the state on Sunday, the July 7, 2024, a day suspected to be the founder’s day of one of the Nigeria most violent secret cult groups known as Black Axe or Aye.

The Police Command in Rivers State has equally cautioned the public regarding potential cult-related activities across the country on July 7, 2024.

SP Grace Iringe-Koko, the spokesperson of the command, disclosed in a statement in Port Harcourt on Saturday that a large number of Black Axe secret cult members were preparing to mark their Founder’s Day.

According to her, intelligence reports indicated that the secret cult intends to initiate innocent victims into their group and potentially engage in clashes with rival cults on the same day.

Anambra state Commissioner of Police few days ago during the shooting range training to enhance the shooting capability of police personnel, ordered the security operatives to be offensive against armed hoodlums.

According to news statement issued by the Police command spokesperson, Tochukwu Ikenga, the police said; “following the information received over time of a group of criminally minded individuals, especially under the guise of the Cult Day planned celebration tomorrow 7th July 2024, an unholy event characterized by violence and bloodshed, the Police Command has advised such persons or groups to desist forthwith as the Police are saddled with the constitutional responsibilities of protecting lives and properties will not allow such disgruntled elements to reverse several gains made by the Security agencies on tackling cult-related incidents and shall deal decisively with anyone found wanting in this regard.

The Command however reiterates that such event or any other related activities remains banned and shall not hesitate to invoke relevant laws especially the newly signed Anti-Cultism law of the State on anyone caught in cult/related activities or any act capable of undermining security in the State.

To this end, the Command warns hoteliers and proprietors of bars, and event/recreation centers to be cautious about such gatherings and their likes in their facilities as there will be consequences if found wanting.

Also, Parents and guardians are advised to warn their wards to be law-abiding and desist from any act that could cause a breach of peace in the State

The Police and Other Security Agencies remain resolute, committed, and dedicated to making the State safer and secure, at all times”.

In another earlier press statement, Tochukwu Ikenga stated that; “the Commissioner of Police CP Nnaghe Obono Itam has charged Police Operatives to be on the offensive against armed hoodlums, following the commencement of training and retraining of personnel aimed at enhancing Operation efficiency, acquiring more skills in crime prevention strategies, and building courage and confidence in confronting armed hoodlums and responding to distress calls

The CP made this remark today 3/7/2024 as he led trainees to the shooting range and assessed the schedule of the ongoing training. He reiterates the Command commitment to improving public safety and enforcing law and order in the State.

To this end, the CP warns those who were misled to take to crime to retrace their steps as the Police and other Security Agencies will not allow some disgruntled elements to make life unbearable for the residents of the State”.

Meanwhile a facebook user has posted that the “Leadership of the Neo-Black Movement of Africa (NBM), a Pan-African Group, has distanced itself from any July 7 (77) celebration, falsely claimed in some quarters to be the group’s founding day anniversary.

The NBM in a statement released by its National Public Relations Officer, Ajibo Sam-Brown, on Monday, July 1, 2024, said that the Movement had no celebration nor anniversary known as July 7 (7/7), adding that those spreading the falsehood were not members of the NBM of Africa but imposters and charlatans.

According to the statement; “July 7th (7/7)” as acclaimed by the enemies of the NBM of Africa founding date is false and not recognised by the Pan-Africanist group.

NBM of Africa is an Organisation that has all its activities documented, promotes peace, and condemns in its entirety illegality”.

“And in the history of NBM of Africa, there is no place where July 7 was documented as founders day; hence it is a misnomer for any group of persons to ascribe NBM of Africa to that date, and also NBM of Africa is not Black Axe. NBM of Africa has no relationship with Black Axe, NBM of Africa disassociates itself from the name “Black Axe”.

It warned all its members across the world to be mindful of such gatherings which it said might come in the name of the NBM of Africa and report same to the security operatives.

“By this notice, all members of the Organization are succinctly warned to be wary and distance themselves from any gathering of such and should help report any gathering of such to the nearest police station,” it concluded”.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Court Orders Davido, Sophia To Settle Daughter’s Custody Lawsuit Via ADR Court Orders Davido, Sophia To Settle Daughter's Custody Lawsuit Via ADR ~ OsazuwaAkonedo #Adeleke #ADR #David #Davido #Momodu #news #Sophia

Lagos State High Court has ordered David Adeleke aka Davido and Sophia Momodu to settle the dispute over a  lawsuit on the custody of their daughter brought before it through Alternative Dispute Resolution, ADR.

The lawyer of the defendant also frown over the mentioning of the name and identification of the daughter in dispute in the media contrary to child rights laws of Lagos State.

Dele Momodu, the publisher of Ovation Magazine and an Uncle to Sophia Momodu had said via his verified X social media that “the court yesterday referred the case for possible settlement by the alternative dispute resolution (ADR) section of the court during Settlement Week and I strongly advise that David (and Sophia) engage truly with the process as opposed to making harmful and irreversible statements on social media which not only violate the law but the interest of their child.

I have in the past 9 years tried my best to ensure amicable resolution of disputes and encouraged both parents to have a proper structure put in place for the welfare of their daughter. 

It is important to note that Sophia did not instigate this court action and is only seeking to protect their daughter and ensure that there is a structured, safe and sustainable manner in which father and child can engage with each other.

The vitriolic rhetoric in the media should be avoided by all means as this only further inflames what is already a traumatic experience for all parties involved, especially the child in question”, Dele Momodu stated in quote.

Details of the court proceedings as reported by News Agency of Nigeria, NAN and recaptured by Punch Newspaper are presented verbatim below:

“Sophia Momodu, David Adeleke’s ex-girlfriend, has told a Lagos State High Court sitting in Sabo, Yaba, not to grant the child’s custody to the musician.

This was just as she revealed that the singer quit his financial responsibilities to their daughter because she (Sophia) refused to be his sex slave.

Sophia told the court on Friday that the applicant was not fit to be granted custody of their daughter because he is always not available and does not possess the ability to dutifully care for her.

She stated this in a counter-affidavit she filed in opposition to Davido’s suit seeking custody.

The News Agency of Nigeria reports that contrary to Davido’s claim that he had consistently fulfilled his financial obligations toward his daughter, Momodu told the court that the child was almost sent away from school because the artiste refused to pay her tuition fees.

According to her, while their relationship lasted, Davido never showed true commitment or love toward their daughter.

“He always used the condition of my making myself available for his sexual pleasures, as a pre-condition to visit our daughter or show some fatherly love to her.

“The applicant apart from his cravings for sex only comes around to spend time with our daughter when he wants to use our daughter for his media stunts or promotions.

“The applicant has always been known to go away and stop communicating with our daughter, to stop making payment for school fees and/or payment of maintenance for our daughter, whenever I refused his sexual advances,” she stated.

The respondent stated that Davido once threw her and their daughter out of his home in Atlanta, US during a summer holiday in 2017 and they ended up squatting with a friend.

Momodu stated that she never denied Davido access to his daughter and that it was he, who chose to be “an absentee father.”

She added that she had been responsible for her accommodation and that the artiste had always had access to their daughter until he chose to abuse it by visiting at odd hours to demand sex.

“When I noticed that the intention of the applicant for coming late at night to my house was not to visit our daughter, but to seek sexual favours, even after our relationship had ended, I told him to desist from such late-night visits, as our daughter who needed to be in school in the morning would have slept at the time of his late-night visits.

“It was when I refused the applicant’s ingress into my house at ungodly hours of the night on the pretext of visiting our daughter that he decided to stop visiting or calling our daughter and this has been the pattern with the applicant all through his relationship with our daughter.

“Whenever I refused to be his sex slave, he would stop caring for his daughter and abandon her and use the fact of our daughter’s sadness due to his absence to force me to accede to his unwholesome demands.

“I have never stopped the applicant or his family members from coming to visit his daughter, calling or reconnecting with our daughter,” she stated.

The respondent again stated that contrary to Davido’s claim, he has not been faithful in paying their daughter’s school fees, having defaulted in 2021 and 2022 with the school writing to her in January 2023, over unpaid tuition.

“The school wrote via email notifying me that our daughter will not be allowed entry into the school, except all outstanding fees from 2021 to 2023, were paid off,” she said.

Momodu told the court that it was Davido’s father who intervened and paid the school fees.

She stated that contrary to Davido’s claim, she has been the one paying the rent of the apartment where she lives with her daughter, adding that Davido did not buy any house for them.

Momodu said she has been providing the best care for her daughter, despite her father’s negligence and will continue to do so, as a loving mother.

The respondent was represented at Friday’s proceedings before Justice A. J. Bashua, by a legal team led by Chief (Dr) Anthony Idigbe (SAN) of Punuka Attorneys and Solicitors.

Idigbe drew attention to the publication of a hearing notice in a national newspaper by Davido’s legal team, in which the name of his daughter was mentioned four times.

The judge agreed with Chief Idigbe that while the press were free to report, the child’s name ought not to the mentioned at all.

The judge then asked members of the press, litigants and all other counsel not involved in the case, to leave the courtroom during the hearing.

Before they left, Idigbe, with the court’s permission, drew the attention of members of the press to Section 143 of the Child’s Rights Law of Lagos State 2015.

It provides that in a case involving a minor: “No person must be allowed to attend court, other than the members and officers of the court and the parties to the case.

It also provides that their solicitors and counsel, parents and guardians of the child and other persons directly concerned in the case were free to be allowed in.”

Idigbe also referred to Section 144 of the Law, which prohibits the publication of a child’s name.

The section reads, “No person must publish the name, address, school, photograph, or anything likely to lead to the identification of a child in a matter before the court, except as required by the provisions of this law.”

The SAN further referred to Section 145 of the Child Rights Law, which provides: “The proceedings in the court must be conducive to the best interest of the child and must be conducted in an atmosphere of understanding, allowing the child to express himself and participate in the proceedings.”

Momodu, in the counter-affidavit, also faulted the publication of the suit in a national newspaper.

“The applicant (Davido) in publishing this suit in a national newspaper has exposed our daughter to great danger.

“I would have to implement extra security measures to ensure the continued safety of our daughter in school,” she stated.

At the end of the proceedings, it was learnt that the court referred the case for possible settlement by the Alternative Dispute Resolution section of the court during Settlement Week.

However, while reacting, Davido said all he requested from Sophia was joint parenting. He also expressed displeasure over her (Sophia’s) usual reference to the death of his son, who died in 2022.

Davido, in an Instagram story, wrote: “Your constantly bringing up the death of my child at any point you can to just remind us of this tragedy that haunts us every day of our lives.

“She will grow up to see I fought for her. As for now, you can have her. P.S. She won’t be a child forever.

“All I ask for is joint custody!! And nothing else! But because it’s ‘Davido’ you all want to act like you all can’t read. Smh. I’m off this! You all be blessed and I pray this never happens to you.

“Joint custody – Both parents will have access to the child. Sole custody – Only a single parent will have access to the child”.

Why Sophia Refuses To Stay At Davido’s Family House – Dele Momodu Why Sophia Refuses To Stay At Davido's Family House - Dele Momodu ~ OsazuwaAkonedo #Adeleke #Davido #Deji #Dele #Imade #Lagos #Momodu #news #Sophia

Uncle to Sophia Momodu, the Mother to the daughter of Nigeria music star, David Adeleke aka Davido has given reason why her niece could not accept to stay at the family house of Adeleke she was offered as accommodation inLagos State.

The Uncle who is the Publisher of Ovation magazine, Dele Momodu, shared his view on the ongoing legal and media war between his niece, Sophia Momodu, and the father of her child, David Adeleke well known as Davido over the custody of their daughter, Imade.

Dele Momodu through his verified X social media platform on Saturday, said he accepted the views of her niece, Sophia Momodu not to stay at the family house of Adeleke to raise their daughter because she was not married to Davido.

Dele Momodu said Davido called him on Friday over the counter affidavit filed by Sophia Momodu against Davido lawsuit over the custody of Imade, their daughter.

He said he was surprised that the Afrobeat singer filed an affidavit seeking joint custody of their child, stressing that his previous conversations with him only focused on his wedding and reconnecting with his daughter.

He said Davido and his family have always had access to the child, and when he stopped paying her school fees, he brought it to his father’s notice, Deji Adeleke, who cleared all the school fees and gave the child a car.

In a lengthy statement titled: “My candid opinion on David Adeleke Versus Sophia Momodu”, Dele Momodu stated in quote thus:

“Last night, I received a distressing message from Mr David Adeleke (aka Davido). He was obviously devastated by the counter-affidavit submitted in court, earlier in the day, in response to his affidavit seeking a joint custody of his daughter with my niece Sophia Momodu.

“I had seen David’s affidavit about two weeks ago, and I was very surprised as David, and I had spoken on a video call days earlier, with him and Pastor Tobi Adegboyega, and he never told me he had any custody issues with my niece. So you can imagine my confusion to find out via social media and subsequently confirmed by my niece that he had filed an action in court seeking joint custody of their daughter.

“During the referenced video call, we were all very excited about his forthcoming wedding ceremony, an event our family congratulated him on. Prior to this, David had told me he eventually spoke to their daughter, after a long lull of about two years.

“He was very happy and excited. So I thought everything was settled, and he and Sophia would now have the opportunity to take maximum care of their daughter. I offered special thanks to David’s Dad, Dr Adedeji Adeleke, for his kindness and support for our daughter during the period of David’s absence.

“I had also taken Sophia and their daughter to my very dear friend, Governor Ademola Adeleke, seeking his intervention. To the best of my knowledge, there was never a problem of joint custody.”

The Peoples Democratic Party chieftain disclosed that the problems between his niece and Davido were mainly about financial support, including school fees, accommodation and a nanny’s salary.

He noted that the real issue was the payment of accommodation, which Sophia suggested that Davido should pay half while she also paid half of the rent.

Momodu revealed that the Afrobeat singer rejected the offer and said he would only be paying ₦5 million per annum, which was not up to her demand.

“The issues were: non-payment of school fees for several sessions; non-payment of accommodation and salaries of a nanny. There was no car dedicated to David’s daughter. And so on. Mercifully, I mentioned all to Dr Adedeji Adeleke and he responded positively, like a true grandfather.

“On the issue of non-payment of school fees, David’s Dad cleared everything and also set up payments of future bills. He gave his granddaughter a car to take her to school. The remaining issue was accommodation.

“David’s Dad verbally offered, in his discussions with me, one of their family apartments in Oniru Estate, Victoria Island, however, maybe due to miscommunication, David’s lawyers had communicated otherwise.

“After Sophia clarified with me, she politely declined the offer, and her reason was tenable in my view, because, since she’s not married to David, she can’t be comfortable living in a place swarming with David’s family members.

“She and her daughter had been living in Ikoyi before David and Sophia started their latest quarrels. Sophia’s request was that David should pay half of the accommodation while she would pay the other half. David said he could only contribute N5million annually.”

The journalist and founder of Ovation Magazine said that Sophia allowed Davido access to their daughter, provided she had her nanny around, adding that Imade also made the same request.

Momodu said his niece did not institute the custody battle, adding that the lack of communication and friendship between Davido and Sophia has led to the present situation.

“My opinion is that the absence of camaraderie between David and Sophia has caused this debacle. I have cautioned repeatedly that their daughter must not be allowed to suffer or be treated like a second-class child. David’s global status makes this imperative.

“Sophia allowed David access to their daughter, provided she has her nanny around 24/7. The 9-year-old herself made this request and I believe this should be favourably considered and accepted. My grand-niece had been released to go out with her cousins on several occasions.

“The Governor’s daughter, Nike, was at Sophia’s house with the Governor’s grandson last Christmas Day, despite the fact that there wasn’t ample notice & she was still granted access.

“Two months ago, the Governor’s son, Sina Rambo, requested a play date between the kids & Sophia rented out a children’s place in Victoria Island for them to spend hours together. The only time she couldn’t join her father’s family was when her grandfather requested to go on vacation with her for three weeks last year, as the notice was too short, and Sophia had already paid for their own trips, due to a lack of communication between the parents.”

Momodu, therefore, urged both parties to prioritise their daughter’s well-being and compromise on custody and financial responsibilities and urged them to avoid rhetorics in the media.

He added, “The court yesterday referred the case for possible settlement by the alternative dispute resolution (ADR) section of the court during Settlement Week, and I strongly advise that David (and Sophia) engage truly with the process as opposed to making harmful and irreversible statements on social media which not only violate the law but the interest of their child. I have, in the past 9 years, tried my best to ensure amicable resolution of disputes and encouraged both parents to have a proper structure put in place for the welfare of their daughter.

“It is important to note that Sophia did not instigate this court action and is only seeking to protect their daughter and ensure that there is a structured, safe and sustainable manner in which father and child can engage with each other.

“The vitriolic rhetoric in the media should be avoided by all means, as this only further inflames what is already a traumatic experience for all parties involved, especially the child in question”.

Friday, July 5, 2024

Attempted Bank Robbery Left 2 Injured, One Kidnapped In Ughelli Attempted Bank Robbery Left 2 Injured, One Kidnapped In Ughelli ~ OsazuwaAkonedo #Ughelli #Delta #UBA

Not less than two persons were injured on Friday when gang of armed robbers attempted to rob a branch of the United Bank for Africa, UBA at Ughelli community in Delta state.

It was gathered that one person was abducted during the failed robbery attempt.

Delta State Police Command is yet to issue statement regarding the robbery incident.

Videos posted online by eyewitness showed that the bank customers were in shock. 

Some of the customers trapped inside the banking hall could be heard shouting for the bank doors to be thrown opened while some others rejected the idea and insisted while shouting that the doors should be left closed.

During the dilemma, arguments ensued among the troubled bank customers with some insisting that if the armed robbers must gained access into the banking hall, let them break the bank doors by themselves.

It was gatherd that the Police officers stationed at the bank responded, engaging the armed assailants in a fierce gunfight that prevented them from gaining entry into the building.

An eyewitness accounted that the assailants had tracked a bank customer who was preparing to make a deposit and intercepted him just outside the bank premises. 

It could not be ascertained if the bank customer who came in to make deposit was the one taken away by the armed robbers.

But another eyewitness accounted that the bank customer entered the bank premises and shortly after the customer entered the bank, the gunmen swiftly moved into action.

“Within minutes of the customer’s entry, we heard gunshots and chaos erupted,” described a local resident who preferred to remain anonymous, according to SaharaReporters.

“The exchange of fire resulted in injuries to two individuals who were caught in the crossfire, and one person was forcibly abducted by the attackers.

“We were fortunate that the police were quick to respond,” stated another witness, visibly shaken by the ordeal. “It could have been much worse.”

The robbers, failing to breach the bank’s defences, fled the scene in a gold-colored Toyota Venza, evading immediate capture. Law enforcement agencies have launched a manhunt to apprehend the perpetrators and secure the safe release of the abducted individual.

“We are actively pursuing all leads to ensure those responsible for this brazen attack are brought to justice swiftly,” assured Police Commissioner Hassan Bello, addressing concerns from the community.

The injured victims were rushed to a nearby hospital for urgent medical treatment. Authorities have not disclosed the identities of those injured or abducted pending further investigation.

The attempted robbery has rattled the quiet town of Ughelli, with residents expressing shock and concern over the boldness of the attackers. Banking operations at the UBA branch have been temporarily suspended as authorities conduct a thorough investigation into the incident.

“We urge anyone with information regarding this incident to come forward,” urged Commissioner Bello, emphasizing the importance of community cooperation in combating such criminal acts”, SaharaReporters news report ends in quote.

Peter Obi Congratulates, Lists Commonwealth Nations’ Demands For Incoming UK PM Keir Starmer Peter Obi Congratulates, Lists Commonwealth Nations' Demands For Incoming UK PM Keir Starmer ~ OsazuwaAkonedo #Anambra #Commonwealth #elections #Keir #Labour #Nigeria #Obi #Peter #PM #Starmer #UK

Former Anambra State Governor and the Labour Party Presidential candidate in the last General Elections in Nigeria, Peter Obi has sent a congratulatory message to the Labour Party candidate, Keir Starmer who will become the next Prime Minister of the United Kingdom after the UK Labour Party won a majority seats at the Parliamentary House of Commons on Thursday in the 2024 UK general elections.

Peter Obi in a statement via his X social media handle on Friday, said that, he hoped that the victory of Keir Starmer will bring about a stronger ties between Nigeria and the United Kingdom.

Adding that, Keir Starmer should worked together with Nigeria and other Commonwealth nations to build a brighter future commonwealth for all.

“I sincerely congratulate Keir Starmer, and the Labour Party UK on the landslide victory they recorded in Thursday’s election. May the victory translate to a better and new chapter for all the UK residents as you remain committed to your electoral promises.

I also hope that your government will promote stronger ties between the UK and Nigeria, and help in deepening our  own democracy, especially during the challenging times that our nation is going through.

Nigeria is grappling with issues such as insecurity, education, healthcare, and poverty, and could greatly benefit from the support of the UK. Let us work together to build a brighter future commonwealth for all. I wish you a successful tenure”, Peter Obi stated in quote.

We had earlier reported that the Labour Party candidate in the 2024 general elections, Keir Starmer has been officially declared winner after the Labour Party secured more than the required 326 seats in the House of Commons.

Labour Party majority win of the UK parliamentary seats means Keir Starmer will be the next prime minister of the United Kingdom.

Labour  won the election with 410 seats, with the Conservatives of Rishi Sunak securing 144 seats.

Rishi Sunak in a broadcast accepted defeat, and says he has called Starmer to congratulate him even before the election results and winner were officially declared and announced.

Shortly after winning his seat in Holborn and St Pancras, Starmer says “the change begins right here…it is time for us to deliver”

“In the highest-profile Conservative losses so far, Defence Secretary Grant Shapps and ex-leadership candidate Penny Mordaunt lose to Labour, according to BBC report.

Reform UK leader Nigel Farage becomes an MP for the first time, winning Clacton, while the party’s Richard Tice and Lee Anderson also win

Ex-Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn wins Islington North as an independent, and Labour’s Jon Ashworth loses to an independent

George Galloway of the Workers Party loses the seat he won earlier this year, Carla Denyer wins for the Green Party in Bristol Central, while the SNP is forecast to go from 43 seats before the election to just six”, BBC added in its report.

Ahead of the exit poll, Rishi Sunak stated and in quote: “The only way to stop a high-tax Labour supermajority is to vote Conservative today. A vote for Reform or any other Party will hand Keir Starmer a blank cheque for generations. Polls close at 10pm – don’t forget to bring your ID.

You have 4 hours to stop a Labour supermajority that will put up taxes for the rest of your life.

Polls close at 10pm – don’t forget to bring your ID. If Labour are handed a blank cheque, they will use their supermajority to tax you more for the rest of your life.

Labour would scrap exams and tax working families by £2094. 2 hours to stop the Labour supermajority.

Keir Starmer would demolish our green belt. 3 hours to stop the Labour supermajority. Labour want to tax working families by £2094. 4 hours to stop the Labour supermajority.

Keir Starmer would tax you just for driving. 5 hours to stop the Labour supermajority. Labour would throw open our borders. 6 hours to stop the Labour supermajority.

Labour would change the voting system to stay in power for the rest of your life. 7 hours to stop the Labour supermajority. Keir Starmer would tax your family home. 8 hours to stop the Labour supermajority.

Labour would increase taxes on every part of your life, including your death. 9 hours to stop the Labour supermajority”, Rishi Sunak stated during pre election campaigns.

Keir Starmer said in reaction during pre election campaigns and after he won the Exit poll thus:

“Thank you, Holborn and St Pancras, for putting your trust in me again. Change begins right here.

I’ve changed the Labour Party. If you put your trust in me by voting Labour, I will change the country. Today, Britain’s future is on the ballot. Tomorrow, don’t just send a message. Send a government. Vote Labour”, Keir Starmer words end in quote.

BBC reported that after Keir Starmer won the exit poll, the Labour Party elected lawmaker who is due to be the next Prime Minister of UK, Keir Starmer said as presented verbatim the way BBC reported it. The report reads in quote thus: “Still addressing supporters in central London, Keir Starmer tells them “thank you truly – you have changed our country”.

After reaching the required 326 seats to win the general election, he says “a mandate like this comes with a great responsibility”.

He adds that the task of a Labour government is “nothing less than renewing the ideas that hold our country together”.

“We have to return politics to public service,” he goes on, adding his government will “show it can be a force for good”.

BBC report reads further that: “One feature of tonight’s results is how the advances that the Conservatives secured in Leave-voting areas after the EU referendum, most notably in 2019, have been entirely lost.

Compared with 2019, support for the Conservatives is down by 12 points in seats where less than 45% voted Leave.

In contrast, support for the party is down by 27 points in seats where more than 65% voted Leave. However, the pattern of losses in Conservative support since 2015 – before the EU referendum – is more or less the same everywhere.

Support for the party is down by 12 points, compared with 2015, in seats where less than 45% voted Leave, while it is down by nine points where more than 65% voted Leave”.